Definition of Acetabular labrum
Acetabular labrum: A ring of fibrocartilage (fibrous cartilage) that runs around the acetabulum (cup) of the hip joint and increases its depth. The head of the femur (the bone in the thigh) fits in the acetabulum. The labrum deepens this cavity and effectively increases the surface (and strength) of the hip joint.Injuries to the acetabular labrum can occur from chronic trauma due to repetitive hip motion or from acute trauma as, for example, from a direct blow to the hip or a violent motion of the hip.Signs and symptoms of a acetabular labrum injury include pain accompanying hip motion, occasional pain in the hip at night or during daily activities, decreased range of motion and loss of strength in the hip.Treatment may include anti-inflammatory medication and rest. Exercises to strengthen the hip muscles may then be recommended. If these measures are not effective, arthroscopic surgery may be done.In medicine, a labrum is a ring of fibrocartilage around the edge of the articular (joint) surface of a bone. The Latin "labrum" means "lip." The term is used generally to designate a lip, edge, or brim. Plural, labra.
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